Discover Springfield City

Why invest in Springfield City?

Become part of one of the fastest growing regions in Australia and enjoy the range of advantages that come with making an investment in Springfield City, including: 

  • Range of opportunities for immediate occupancy space to purpose-built office building.
  • Greenfield city offering opportunities to achieve 4, 5 or 6-Star Green Star Rating depending on corporate mandates.
  • Opportunity to provide the largest floor plates in Australia of between 2,500m² – 8,000m².
  • Access to a catchment of a qualified and ready workforce of more than 706,000 people (this equates to more than 86% of the Brisbane workforce within a 32-minute drive or 41-minute rail trip from Brisbane Central).
  • Robelle Domain is a recreational hub that offers staff immediate access to 24 ha of landscaped parkland and lagoon.
  • $1.2 billion Springfield Rail connects Springfield Central to Brisbane and beyond.
  • Dark fibre optic network connectivity between Springfield Central’s commercial, office and retail buildings, companies can connect to the internet or interstate offices using high-bandwidth services. The Polaris Data Centre designed to Tier 3+ standards is one of Australia’s most advanced ICT facility – offers high availability, high-security data storage and co-location hosting services, and forms the ICT Hub in Greater Springfield.

Commercial and office leasing opportunities

A skilled workforce on your doorstep

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Retail leasing opportunities

A retail offer for 50,000 residents

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City North opportunities

A mixed use development

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